Who we are

Life is Rocky when you're a gem 💎

We define our own success. We are each other’s entourage. We are here for support. 

The Tough As Nails Girl Gang helps you dig deep and get to know yourself better so you can overcome fear and self-doubt in a safe setting while building authentic friendships.

We are the definition of Women Supporting Women.

Get to know the founder, Red Gamso

Gin Wigmore - Girl Gang

Tough As Nails Girl Gang Members

Fun Facts

Girl Gang Members
100 %
Ladies on their B.U.S.
Inner Goddess Circle Members
Angel Readings
Time to Boss Up & Slay

Let's Connect and Level Up

Join the FREE Community

Tough As Nails Girl Gang Group
  • The Tough As Nails Girl Gang is a free community for females who desire more connection, support, and goddess energy. Inside, we share space, stories, advice, and so much more!

Get the Magic Stack

Drive Your B.U.S.
  • Transform your life with this B.U.S. (Boss Up & Slay) 7 day email challenge! You’ll learn how to set your day up with the goddess energy needed to start working towards the life you promised yourself!

More Ways To Transform

Connect With Red
  • Follow Red Gamso, creator of the Tough As Nails Girl Gang, on Instagram for more inspiration and support! From Angel Guide readings to motivational quotes, stay moving on your way to transformation!

Become the best version of you